Dogecoin Price Calculator

Check how much Dogecoin is worth in multiple global currencies using up-to-date exchange rates on CEX.IO.

Rates are refreshed each 30 seconds
Rates are refreshed each 30 seconds
1 DOGE = 0 USD

What is the Dogecoin Price Calculator?

With CEX.IO’s Dogecoin value calculator, you can easily convert Dogecoin into preferred fiat currency and find out the current market prices. By default, you will see DOGE to USD rates. Click on the asset name to select another currency for conversions.

Monitoring prices with our Dogecoin USD converter can help you keep pace with fast-changing DOGE markets and make well-informed decisions. In order to find historical DOGE prices, check out the price charts on our Trade page.


How does a Dogecoin Converter Work?

The CEX.IO calculator empowers users to calculate actual exchange rates of numerous cryptocurrencies available on CEX.IO, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple, Litecoin, and Dogecoin. The CEX.IO calculator features exchange rates based on the last price on our markets to provide users with relevant information about crypto prices. Respectively, our Dogecoin to USD converter compiles the data represented on Dogecoin markets available on CEX.IO. You can find more information about supported Dogecoin markets on our Trade page.

How Accurate is the DOGE to USD calculator?

When intending to calculate current DOGE rates in different fiat currencies, keep in mind that there is no standard pricing for cryptocurrencies. Cryptocurrencies are decentralized and there is no single provider who determines cryptocurrency prices.

Different providers may use different approaches to calculate actual prices. For example, a crypto exchange like CEX.IO may use prices that are determined by a recently-traded price on particular markets, while other platforms may use average estimated prices or volume-weighted average prices. Therefore, when trading or buying crypto on CEX.IO, using our calculator may provide you with the most accurate prices.

Furthermore, cryptocurrency markets are open 24/7 and may experience significant price fluctuations. So if you want to check Dogecoin profitability using the U.S. Dollar to Dogecoin converter , your assessment will largely depend on the current market situation and your entry price.


Are there other ways to check DOGE to USD rates on CEX.IO?

If you want to check the Dogecoin price chart and find more information about Dogecoin markets, you can visit our Trade page . There you can check trading volume, order books, and other useful information about Dogecoin markets that should be helpful to assess the current situation. In addition to Dogecoin, you can also use the Trade page to monitor detailed information about other markets available on CEX.IO, including BTC to USD, ETH to USD, XLM to USD, etc.

Alternatively, you can visit our Prices page to monitor crypto prices for all cryptocurrencies available on CEX.IO. If you want to be always informed when DOGE or any other asset reaches predetermined levels, you can enable price notifications in the CEX.IO mobile app.


How to invest in Dogecoin with CEX.IO

With CEX.IO, you are not limited to a single way to purchase Dogecoin for investments. You can use different services to take advantage of Dogecoin markets. Each service has its own features and provides a different experience, so let’s find out more about them.

Instant Buy/Sell

The Instant Buy service is known as one of the easiest and most convenient ways to buy bitcoin with acredit card. In addition to bitcoin, users can use this service to buy buy Ethereum, Dogecoin, and dozens of other cryptocurrencies instantly. The Instant Buy service empowers users to purchase crypto using their Visa or Mastercard payment cards, CEX.IO balance, and PayPal.

If you want to buy DOGE via the Instant Buy service, follow these steps:

  • Go to the Buy/Sell page page
  • Select DOGE and preferred fiat currency in the dropdown lists
  • Set your purchase amount or use one of the pre-calculated packs
  • Choose your payment method for the transaction
  • Double-check the details and confirm the purchase

Keep in mind that you can’t find preferred fiat currency in the list, you still can purchase crypto using payment cards issued in your local currency. For example, if you decide to buy Stellar Lumens (XLM) in your local currency on CEX.IO, you may choose the U.S. dollar as a primary currency and your transaction will be converted at your bank rates for crypto purchases.


On the Trade page, you can trade on 200+ crypto-to-crypto and crypto-to-fiat markets, including DOGE to USD. If you want to purchase or sell crypto instantly at the best available price in the order book, then choose a market order. In case you want to define your own price for buying or selling crypto, then select a limit order.

Please note that a limit order will execute only when the market price reaches a specified level or an opposite order occurs in the order book, meaning its execution may not be instant. A limit order can be canceled before its full execution, while a market order can’t be canceled.


The Exchange service empowers users to swap one asset for another when there is no direct currency pair available for trading. You can use this service to purchase Dogecoin using new currency pairs or convert one fiat currency to another to explore new markets. The Exchange service is exclusive to the CEX.IO app.