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Compound (COMP) Price Chart
When buying any crypto asset, it is worth paying attention to its price chart and analyzing it carefully. It will help to find out how the exchange rate has changed in the past and to make a forecast of how it will change in the future.
The COMP price analysis shows how the price of an asset has changed over time. You can track price movements either during a day, an hour, five minutes, and on other timeframes.
If the current Compound price you can see on the chart suits your needs, you can buy or sell an asset right below. Choose between market and limit orders and place your trades. Market orders will help to get tokens and coins traded in the shortest time and the limit type of trading allows you to set your desired price level.
Also, for your convenience, there is a list of the most traded pairs on CEX.IO in the upper left. If the market situation seems unfavorable for you to trade COMP, you can wait for the price trend change or switch to another asset, for example, trade BTC to USD.
About Compound (COMP) token
COMP is the internal currency of the Compound project and was the largest utility token in DeFi (Decentralization Finance) by market cap in 2021. Compound (COMP) is built on an ERC-20 standard. Since the launch of the Compound mainnet in September 2018, the platform has skyrocketed in popularity which has raised the demand for COMP tokens.
The COMP cryptocurrency gives its owners several benefits. For example, you can receive rewards for using the products of the Compound platform, or trade the token on third-party cryptocurrency platforms.
Current Compound (COMP) price index
The price of COMP token, as well as any other cryptocurrency, depends on many factors. For example, the total tokens’ supply, the current amount of tokens in circulation, demand for an asset, news background, and others. Compound can be traded for both fiat funds and other cryptocurrencies. For instance, in such pairs, as COMP/USD, and COMP/USDT.
Compound (COMP) price history
Let’s study Compound token price over time. Throughout its history, the COMP token has been showing signs of growth nearly all the time. Moreover, almost immediately after the launch, the exchange rate rose sharply and still shows positive growth dynamics. This allows Compound token holders to offer many earning opportunities for traders with intraday strategies.
In a year, the value of the COMP has increased by almost 10 times. According to the CoinMarketCap data, the lowest Compound historical price was 61 USD (in June 2020), and 8 months later (in February 2021) a record price of 566 USD was fixed.
Buy Compound (COMP) with a credit or debit card
Best bitcoin exchanges allow you to buy cryptocurrencies directly from the card. CEX.IO users can buy crypto using any personal Mastercard or Visa cards. The Instant Buy option makes it possible to buy BTC with credit card, and the whole process takes a few seconds. Except for Bitcoin, you can buy more than 100 different cryptocurrencies including COMP using this feature. All you need to do is select the amount of crypto you want to get and pay directly with your debit or credit card.
Trade, hold, or stake your crypto at CEX.IO
CEX.IO is not just a crypto exchange, but a full-fledged cryptocurrency platform with a wide range of tools. Whatever your preference, CEX.IO gives you a choice — keep your currencies in your wallet, get staking rewards, or trade over 200 currency pairs with deep liquidity on Spot Trading platform.
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